The New York Times recently reported on the ever increasing phenomenon of having a proposal documented in the same way as a wedding. Photographers are now being hired by those intent on getting down on bended knee to propose to their partner.
The role of the proposal photographer can be an altogether different challenge to that of the wedding photographer, in that a crucial part includes not being seen. However, being so discreet as to be invisible requires a delicacy that will come natural to a professional wedding photographer in Liverpool, or beyond, as it relies on the skills that they have developed and honed over many years.
The process does not involve shifting the individuals into position for that perfect shot, but rather a high level of flexibility is required, ensuring that the natural elements are utilised, whatever they may be.
If a wedding is traditionally the bride’s domain then the proposal tends to focus primarily on the groom, though obviously there are many exceptions to this, and those that wish their proposal to be recorded tend to have something special in mind. It is for this reason that proposal photography offers up many different challenges, with a large number of uncontrollable variables at play to traditional wedding photography.
For couples that want their special moments to be documented though, it can serve as a touching preamble for loved ones who want to share the moments that inevitably lead to the happy day that a successful proposal triggers.