Five pairs planning to tie the knot this year are to be given a day they will truly ‘Never Forget’, courtesy of an appearance from singer Gary Barlow.
The Take That heartthrob and former X-Factor judge initially tweeted that he intended to sing at three of his fans’ weddings during 2015, but admits that he has found it difficult to make such a narrow choice and will now increase the number to five.
With Barlow adding that the three confirmed appearances so far are set to be a surprise, shots of the crooner with a microphone in his hand are sure to be the prize capture for the wedding photographers.
Cheshire-born Barlow, 44, is actively encouraging his fans to “stalk” him on Twitter, and says that the only condition to his choice of couples is that they have to be devoted fans of his. He has stated that he plans to keep his weddings of choice a secret, but is able to make arrangements with a best friend of the lucky couples if desired.
With fans now regularly using sites like Twitter and YouTube in an attempt to grab the superstar’s attention, Barlow is no doubt being inundated with even more than the “thousands of requests” he claims to have previously received every week to be a wedding singer.
Barlow may have developed a taste for making surprise appearances at weddings after he responded to a persistent campaign from the maid of honour of die-hard fan Louise Newman, using #getgary2louswedding, by making an unexpected wedding day visit.