Photography Covid-19 Guidelines
Working in accordance to government guidelines managing the risk of Covid-19. These guidelines form part of our risk assessment.
Stay Alert • Control The Virus • Save Lives
Date Issued 25/04/20
Last updated 17/11/20
Opening Covid-19 Statement
The purpose of these guidelines is to enable all those responsible take reasonable and practical steps to safeguard the health and safety of everyone attending a shoot in relation to COVID-19. To also meet obligations under the Health and Safety at Work Act and Government guidelines & regulations on COVID, including The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) Regulations 2020.
Matthew Rycraft Photography is working to reduce the risk of transmission to the lowest reasonably practicable level, by taking the following preventative measures.
Please review there Covid-19 safe guidelines to help make sure the studio and my photography services are safe for yourselves, myself and future customers. Thank you.
Covid-19 Symptoms:
Please advise us if you have any symptoms of Covid-19 or feel unwell, so we can reschedule your appointment & shoot.
Main Covid symptoms:
- High temperature – Maybe you feel hot to touch on your chest or back.
- New, continuous cough – Coughing a lot more within the hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours.
- Loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – Have you noticed you cannot smell or taste anything or taste has diminished.
- Shortness of breath, Fatigue or body aches.
Staying Covid -19 Secure with studio photoshoots & weddings
- Following government guidelines, you must wear a face-covering by law unless you are exempt. Please provide proof of exemption on the day.
- Outdoor Shoots are conducted in a remote location away from others.
- Face coverings, gloves, hand sanitiser and hand washing facilities are available on entry.
- Due to current Government guidelines, we can permit only one household up to a maximum of six within the studio.
- Photograph consultations are by appointment only.
- When possible and safe, the main and only door will remain open for more ventilation.
- I will try my best to keep a two-meter distance at all times and will be wearing a face-covering at all times whilst in the studio.
- I will not come in contact with you or approach for posing.
- If we see people approaching on outdoor shoots I will move us to another remote location.
- Shoots & clients are separated by 2 hours to avoid overlap, contact and to make the necessary studio cleaning & sterilising requirements.
- Clients will be met at a specific location for outdoor photoshoots so we away from others.
- Clients are to wait outside the studio, knock until advised it is safe to enter.
- Children must be supervised by parents at all times.
- Your viewing gallery will be provided online & where clients wish an in studio viewing these can be conducted with 2 meter distancing.
- Payment facilities are available online.
- It’s recommended you sanitise & wash your hands before leaving and after the shoot and studio visit.
- Families are recommended to travel together in one car.
- To help minimise travel, I recommend traveling to just the studio or shoot and back home.
Most of all I want your special shoot to be magical. The directions above help not only myself but help the safety of my clients along with others.
I look forward to seeing you on your shoot and sharing the time with you.
Matthew Rycraft